National Mental Health Awareness Month 2019

National Mental Health Awareness Month 2019

National Mental Health Awareness Month 2019 in Maine

Table of Contents

As we approach the month of May, millions of Americans will be preparing to raise the public’s awareness of mental health disorders through celebrating national mental health awareness month. Mental Health Awareness Month 2019 seeks to shed light on the extreme difficulties facing those affected with mental illness. It also makes obvious the need for a depression treatment center Portland Maine offers.

Mental Health Awareness Month 2019: What are the Goals?

Since its inception in May of 1949, national mental health awareness month has sought to improve the lives of those affected by mental illness. They have done so in the following three ways:

  1. Raise awareness and educate
  2. Draw attention to the most serious consequence of mental illness, which is suicide
  3. Remove the stigma

During Mental Health Awareness Month 2019, you can make a difference by participating in any of these three goal areas. If you or someone you know someone with a mental health disorder, help remove the stigma through acceptance, compassion, and talking with others about the challenges.

Seeking help for yourself or loved one is the most powerful way that you can truly celebrate the mental health awareness month. You will raise awareness of the issue where it counts most — within your own life. You reduce the chances of detrimental consequences, and you help remove the stigma by being open about the needs you have.

Who is Affected?

People of every age, gender, and race are subject to mental health disorders. Some of the causes of mental illness are unknown. However, we do know there are some factors that may make a person more likely to develop mental health problems. During Mental Health Awareness Month 2019 you will learn that these are:

  • Genetics
  • Infections that affect the brain
  • Brain defects or injury
  • Prenatal injury or damage
  • Other factors such as poor nutrition
  • Abuse at an early age, either physical, sexual, or psychological
  • Substance abuse
  • Losing a loved one at an early age
  • Being neglected
  • Huge life stressors such as divorce or death

Mental Health Awareness Month 2019: This Year’s Theme 

Every year the National Health America, the organization who began national mental health awareness month, develops a theme for the month. They use this theme to help promote awareness, reduce the stigma, and offer hope for those suffering. This year’s theme will explore the value of animal companionship, spirituality, humor, and work-life balance.

At Liberty Bay, we are standing by to assist you in your journey to healing. Our compassionate and professional staff offers a wide variety of mental health programs such as:

Don’t let mental health problems stop you from living your best life. During Mental Health Awareness Month 2019, take charge of life by seeking help and attending a treatment center. Contact us at (855) 607-8758, and we will help you on the road to recovery.