Liberty Bay Recovery Center conducted a 60-day study in which clients participated in a self-report survey called the Brief Addiction Monitor (BAM). The results below will focus on data from days 30 and 60 only, as all of the clients were participating in either a PHP or IOP on those days as opposed to detox and residential care earlier in the study.By day 60 of our study, clients were only experiencing slight cravings for their drug of choice, if any at all. This is a testament to the effectiveness of our programs.Between days 30 and 60, clients’ confidence in their ability to remain sober increased significantly. These clients reported they felt a stronger spiritual connection, which is a reflection of the focus of the programs at Liberty Bay Recovery.Liberty Bay’s treatment programs typically don’t involve family until late in the process once the client is stable and thinking about aftercare. As such, the impact of family conflict on clients remained fairly constant from day 30 to day 60. A longer study would be able to provide more insight.Clients reported significant increases in the quality of their physical health by day 60. This is a direct result of Liberty Bay’s commitment to whole-person health.While Liberty Bay Recovery Center’s clients are seeing positive results overall, there’s always room for improvement. Identifying these areas was the purpose of this study. Moving forward, our team will work to address issues of family conflict and increased negative feelings at the 60-day point. Only through careful study and self-assessment can we provide the best possible environment for our clients.
If you’re struggling with addiction in the Portland, Maine area, help is within reach. Liberty Bay Recovery Center works to make positive change in people’s lives every day. To take advantage of our wide range of services, reach out to us today at (855) 222-6945.