Addiction Recovery Blog

woman learning how to stop being an enabler

How to Stop Being an Enabler

An enabler is someone who supports a person’s destructive addictive behavior regardless of consequences. People enable others for many reasons. Sometimes they feel guilty about failing to protect the person

woman thinking about the hardest addictions to recover from

What Are The Hardest Addictions To Recover From?

Using psychoactive substances for extended periods of time causes changes in brain chemistry that affect our survival instincts, approaches to conflict, pain threshold, and family values. These changes can be

couple talking about the cost of an addiction

What Is the Cost of Maintaining an Addiction?

Addiction destroys health, self-worth, family, friends, hope, and financial stability. People with substance use disorder often understand the consequences of their addiction, but they are missing the coping skills, stability,

man struggling with science and addiction

The Science Behind Addiction

Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by a compulsive behavioral pattern that continues regardless of the harmful consequences. A person who repeatedly relapses regardless of how many times they say

two people thinking about addiction and covid-19

Addiction and COVID-19 Connection

As the COVID-19 pandemic marches on, more people are suffering from anxiety, loneliness, and depression – all of which can lead to addiction. Social distancing, the quarantine, financial problems, job

man staying sober during coronavirus

Staying Sober During Coronavirus

This coronavirus pandemic is challenging for everyone, but it’s especially difficult if you’re on the journey to recovery. Periods of stress can often cause us to retreat to our old

professional showing how an addiction recovery program works

How Addiction Recovery Works

Substance abuse is a chronic and incurable disease that changes the chemical makeup of your brain. It has serious and potentially life-threatening consequences that are best addressed in partnership with

drinks showing the dangers of binge drinking

Dangers of Binge Drinking

Binge drinking occurs when someone drinks large amounts of alcohol in a short period. Whether it’s beer, wine, or liquor, this type of fast-paced drinking causes high levels of intoxication