Does ADHD Impact Men and Women Differently?

Does ADHD Impact Men and Women Differently?

signs of adhd

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ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders diagnosed. Nearly ten percent of children are diagnosed with ADHD – for some, the symptoms disappear by adulthood, but more than half of those diagnosed continue dealing with symptoms through adulthood. To learn more about how our treatment options are ideal for clients with ADHD, give us a call at (855) 607-8758.

Rates of Diagnoses

Since women show fewer external signs of ADHD, many go their entire lives not knowing they have it. The prevalence of ADHD in adult males is nearly two times higher than in adult females diagnosed with the disorder. 

Signs of ADHD in Men

Many of the symptoms of ADHD in men are displayed externally, including:

Acting Out and Hyperactivity

Making impulsive decisions and acting out is one of the more common symptoms that men with ADHD display. This symptom occurs less often or to a lesser degree as they age. This usually occurs in the form of excessive talking or physical engagement, such as pacing or fidgeting with things. 

In extreme cases, this can even include physical aggression. This is more so found in male children than adults and is triggered by frustration. Spitting, hitting, and kicking, are common physically aggressive behaviors that somebody with ADHD may exemplify. It is relevant to note that amphetamines, which are often prescribed to treat ADHD, can actually cause aggression.

Inability to Focus

This is probably the symptom that first comes to mind when somebody thinks about ADHD and persists throughout childhood and into adulthood. Some cases are so severe that it negatively impacts their performance at school or work and negatively impacts their ability to function. If this is the case, a doctor can prescribe medication, usually in the form of a stimulant, that allows the person to focus throughout the day.

Interrupting Others

Another common symptom of those struggling with ADHD is a decrease in their ability to follow social standards. Frequently interrupting somebody in a conversation or inserting oneself into a conversation that does not involve them are common examples of this symptom.

Signs of ADHD in Women

The majority of ADHD symptoms experienced by females are internal. This is why many women go through childhood and adulthood without ever knowing they have it.

Appearing Withdrawn

Women with ADHD may tend to be withdrawn in social settings. Since this behavior is not specific to ADHD, it is usually not a direct indicator of it. Apart from being withdrawn, another symptom in females is that they often appear to be daydreaming or not paying attention when somebody is speaking to them – this is more common in young girls than in women.


In more extreme cases, females may experience an increase in anxiety due to living and dealing with ADHD – this is especially true in untreated cases where missing deadlines and falling behind in work are a common reoccurrence.

Treatment Options for ADHD at Liberty Bay Recovery

While some of the symptoms are shared, ADHD generally affects men and women differently. However, treatment is available for men and women in the following programs:

At Liberty Bay Recovery Center, we understand how ADHD plays a significant role in a person’s life and success, regardless of their gender. Our experienced mental health professionals have made it easy for you or a loved one to receive the support and guidance you need to learn to manage the symptoms of ADHD and successfully navigate life. Admissions are made seven days per week into our motivating, supportive community environment. Discover your treatment options by calling (855) 607-8758 or by scheduling an appointment using the online form.