The Five Most Dangerous Myths About Drugs

The Five Most Dangerous Myths About Drugs

a table with narcotics displaying the myths about drugs

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There are all sorts of misconceptions surrounding drug usage, ranging from “you can’t get addicted after a single-use” to “only poor people struggle with addiction.” Unfortunately, these myths about drugs make it a lot easier for people to become addicted to drugs and a lot harder for people to seek treatment from a professional rehab center. Educating yourself about how drugs really work will help you take control of your own life. Here are five of the most dangerous drug myths that you need to stop believing.

#1: You’re Only an Addict if You Destroy Your Life

When people picture addiction, they tend to imagine a person destroying all their relationships, destroying their health, and eventually becoming homeless. However, functional addiction is actually quite common. These people may work, attend school, maintain relationships, and live what appears to be a perfectly normal life, but they feel like they need to take drugs or abuse alcohol on a daily basis to remain functional. This type of addiction might not seem like an issue, but over time, it can have very dangerous effects. Ignoring addictions that are not immediately life-shattering can end up making your addiction more entrenched.

#2: You Can Fight Addiction by “Quitting Cold Turkey” Alone

For most people, drug addiction treatment is not a one-time event. It is extremely common for people to think they have overcome their addiction and then end up relapsing and needing drug addiction treatment in Portland, ME. This should not be a cause for concern or shame. Instead, it is perfectly normal for recovery to be a multi-step process. In fact, trying to go cold turkey by yourself can be counterproductive. Some drug withdrawals are physically dangerous, and trying to just stop on your own prevents you from accessing helpful tools like therapy and medically managed withdrawal.

#3: There is One Perfect Way of Managing Addiction

When you have a substance abuse problem and you decide to get help, you may struggle with trying to find the perfect program. Some treatments like inpatient recovery may have higher success rates than outpatient addiction treatment programs. This just means, however, that the average person has a higher chance of success. You are a unique person with your own individualized circumstances, so you may find that you benefit from an uncommon treatment like trauma therapy. Do not be afraid to try different treatments. It is important to see what works for your own needs.

#4: You Only Need to Worry About Addiction With “Hard” Drugs

Many people think they do not have to worry about addiction as long as they are not dabbling with stereotypically dangerous drugs. Illegal drugs like cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines are highly addictive, but they are not the only problem. In fact, the most common cause of addiction is alcohol, a drug that is legal in most countries. Prescription pills prescribed by doctors, medications like Adderall, and herbal substances can all lead to addiction too. So, it is actually very common to need things like marijuana addiction treatment.

#5: Addicts Are Just Too Weak to Stop Using Drugs

Many people are frustrated during recovery because common myths about drugs have them convinced they should simply fight off their addiction through willpower. The reality is that overcoming addiction is not as simple as just stopping drug use. When you use a highly addictive substance, your brain undergoes physical changes that make you crave the drug. Many people with addictions also struggle with mental health disorders that make it even harder to stop the drug abuse. These very real issues make addiction a disease, so one’s ability to quit using drugs says nothing about your personality, character, or moral strength.

Overcome Myths About Drugs

You’ve probably heard many drug misconceptions. However, you should not let these false ideas keep you from seeking help. At Liberty Bay Recovery, we provide our Portland, ME, patients with a variety of detox, withdrawal management, inpatient rehab, and outpatient rehab services that can help them break the cycle of addiction. Call (855) 607-8758 to start on the path to sobriety today.