Addiction Recovery Blog

woman discussing the importance of vulnerability in treatment
Alcohol Rehab

The Importance of Vulnerability In Treatment

We have all heard the age-old saying that honesty is the best policy. When it comes to addiction, honesty is not the only necessity for a successful recovery. Vulnerability is

child suffering from childhood trauma and addiction

Childhood Trauma in Relation to Addiction

Few people recognize that childhood trauma is a component that is strongly linked with rates of substance abuse addiction, health problems, suicidal ideation, and even early death. Many people attribute

a couple experiencing how alcoholism affects marriage
Alcohol Rehab

How Alcoholism Affects Marriage

A University of Michigan study shows that nearly half of active alcoholics or those who were active alcoholics in the past are divorced. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and

woman pensively looking out at a snowy landscape wondering what is lean drink aka purple drank

What Is Lean Drink?

During the past decade, lean has become a popular way for people to get high. You may be asking yourself “what is lean?” People make this drink from ingredients found

distressed woman staring into the distance wondering what is fentanyl used for

What Is Fentanyl Used For?

Opioid addiction occurs in all areas of the United States and at every financial level. What is fentanyl used for? Illegal manufacturers of this synthetic opioid distribute this drug across

stressed out woman resting elbows on table while holding temples and wondering is addiction a disease

Is Addiction A Disease?

We understand that many who suffer from substance abuse disorders receive a lot of blame on their part. Your family members, friends, and even mental health professionals may have pointed

sober valentines day circled with a heart on a calendar

Sober Valentine’s Day

When was the last time you had a sober Valentine’s Day? Alcohol is a large part of any celebration, especially those that call for the expression of love. Those without

woman covering face with hands wondering what is psychological dependence

What Is Psychological Dependence?

Having an addiction makes you feel like you’re in a frightening and confusing place. Your emotions may be a mess, and you feel confused, irritated, frightened, and no longer in