Staying Sober over 4th of July

Staying Sober over 4th of July

staying sober

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Going through addiction treatment can be extremely difficult for many reasons, no matter what substance you’re struggling with, how long you’ve been dependent on it, and what the circumstances of your life may be. Going through a drug or alcohol rehab program has its challenges regardless of how dedicated you are to your recovery or how many helpful resources you have at your disposal.

The difficulties of recovery can be compounded, however, when you find yourself in certain situations. For example, if recovery from alcohol addiction is your goal, you may find it particularly challenging to spend time in settings where alcohol is present and abundant, especially in the early stages of your treatment. The team of addiction specialists at Liberty Bay Recovery can help you with tips to stay sober over the 4th of July holiday. Reach out today for sober activity ideas by calling (855) 607-8758.

Staying Sober at Alcohol-Dependent Event

There are many holidays celebrated throughout the world that are focused on unity, peace, gift-giving, or simply spending time with family. In many cases, the original intent of a holiday has been skewed to prioritize different activities than were originally intended. For example, many holidays such as Thanksgiving, Cinco de Mayo, and Independence Day seem to have become more focused on the food (and the drinks) than giving thanks or celebrating independence.

If you’re currently on a sobriety journey and are hesitant about participating in events that may tempt you to relapse, you’re not alone. Many people regularly struggle with maintaining sobriety, especially on July 4th where inebriation is socially accepted and even expected. However, many strategies could help smooth your experience and allow you to enjoy the holiday without fear of relapse. 

Tips for Maintaining Sobriety on Independence Day

If you’re feeling unsure about taking part in the Fourth of July festivities while on your sobriety journey, here are some helpful tips to center your focus away from alcohol and onto all of the other enjoyment that comes along with holidays. 

Take on a Food-Related Responsibility

Though the Fourth of July is a day to drink without abandon for some, it’s also a day to eat delicious food—and a lot of it. Make a fun and delicious dip, side dish, or dessert to bring to the gathering that you’ll be able to look forward to sharing. If you’re comfortable, you could even take on the role of grill master and, therefore, won’t have much time to consider grabbing a drink.

Attend a Meeting That Day

If you utilize resources like group recovery meetings to encourage your sobriety, the day of a party with alcohol present is a great day to attend. First of all, encouragement from others in the program will make staying sober a lot easier. You’ll be able to focus on your priorities and receive much-needed support before facing any difficult situations. 

Celebrate with Like-Minded Friends and Family

If the people you’re celebrating Independence Day with don’t understand or respect your journey to sobriety, you’re much more likely to face a potential relapse in a tempting situation. Ensure that the people you’re spending the holiday with are in full support and want to actively help you maintain sobriety. 

Host a Sober Party

If you think that attending a party with alcohol may simply be too much for you at this point, consider throwing a Fourth of July party to celebrate you and your sober friends specifically. Your event will be completely temptation-free, and you’ll feel more control over your situation. 

Find Your Sobriety at Liberty Bay Recovery Center

Whether you need residential detox treatment, intensive outpatient services, or community outreach that will help you stay sober, you can find the right path at Liberty Bay Recovery here in Portland, Maine. We offer the following addiction recovery programs:

Contact Liberty Bay Recovery Center for more information by calling (855) 607-8758 or using our online form.